Me, with my gorgeous neice Meggie of 'Continuing the Journey' fame on the Big Day...which also happened to be my skinniest day in 5 years....Me and Husby, 7 months pregnant, and Me at Christmas.

I've been taking one of her recommended natural herbal supplements and while I have lost only two pounds, I have lost 3/4 of an inch in my waist, 1/2 inch in my tree-trunck neck, and 1 inch in the diameter of my baby pouch. Also, when I was updating my weight loss ticker I noticed that I had entered my height as an inch less than I am. Once that was fixed, my BMI tells me that today I am officially no longer obese, but just overweight. First hurdle down.....Skinny Town, here I come!!
For those of you that are new, the baby pouch is that fold-like pocket of fat that hits between your girlie parts and your belly button which, when you gain weight after having a baby, starts to resemble the Rolling Stones tongue. Measuring the 'baby pouch' involves putting a measuring tape around part of your butt as well, so it's not entirely a gauge of what happens in this specific body part, but could also indicate a lessenning of the derrier. Since I was asked once by a, let's call him 'special', co-worker a few years ago if I had any "sister" in me because my ass was starting to spread like one, I would be happy with a little bit less, either way. However, I will have to attribute this loss to the pouch, because instead of a fold, I have an out-dentation...kinda like how much I was showing at 3 months pregnant. Not the best, but better than the gravity-stricken deflated balloon of a stomache I had last week. I've included a picture of Fat Barbie below to illustrate the baby pouch for those of you still fuzzy on the idea.
So, to anyone who is losing the definition in their neck, folding over their tummy, or training for the chocolothon olympic event on a semi-daily basis, I encourage trying, or at least getting more information on acetyl l carnitine with alpha lipoic acid. This combo supplement can be found at GNC stores or online.
My goal...to be able to chase after Stinkerbell and another little one someday without needing a daily nap, regardless of the number on the scale!! I do have to give special mention to my sweetie. His love and affection for me hasn't faltered at any weight that I have held. He even asked me if I wouldn't lose too much, because he liked me the way I am. I love you Brando.
And to Pookie...you know who you are... who has never been smaller than me, our entire lives, but now weighs 4 pounds less than I do.....YOU'RE GOING DOWN. I'm bringing my A game and my B lunch and we are gonna duke it out until the skinniest is left standing (probably because the fatter got winded and needed a nap) . If you aren't scared, competition ends at Nikki's wedding to see who is the smallest.
1 comment:
Oh, girl, it is ON!! I'll race you to Skinny Town, lap you while I'm there visiting, then race you back to my house in Crazy Town (where we both currently reside, whether we like to admit it or not).
Keep good tabs on me, 'cause I'm just gonna melt away before your eyes...
Teresa =)
P.S. Hilarious post! You crack me up, Sista!!
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