When I was a child, I loved books. I read, no devoured, as many books as I could get my hands on. I am happy to report that Sophie shares the same love of the written word. I read to her as often as I can (I try to once a day, but that doesn't always happen) and she has quite a few sturdier books at her disposal for perusal at her discretion. The funny thing is, she looks so guilty when she gets caught reading. Here she is enjoying the feely-favorite
That's Not my Puppy (thanks Uncle Rick and Aunt Mary!!) on the couch.....

Um...What??....I wasn't reading anything....
Sophie, It's okay to like books.Look Mommy...it's not his puppy...the tail is too fluffy...this is good stuff!!

And later that same day with another book....

Um....I was just moving it....

Oh, Stinkerbell. Someday you'll get it. Probably right when you hit the age where its not cool to read anymore....
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