Brandon's Aunt Sue bought us a wonderful Christmas gift, which we've been waiting months to be able to enjoy.....a family pass to the ZOO! The bad thing is, once it got warm enough to venture out, everytime we'd make plans to go it would rain or Cashew would make mommy too sick to enjoy it.
Well, after a long week in Indianapolis working on a project (and earning enough overtime to take Friday off) Sophie and I dusted off the pass and headed off for our first Zooey adventure last Friday. Since me taking the day off also meant that my best friend who helps me out with Sophie had the day off, we made a double family adventure out of it. We had a wonderful time. Too bad daddy couldn't make it.
Sophie loved the reptile house. It was feeding time for the baby alligators when we arrived and she loved looking over the side to get a peek.

1 comment:
Gotta admit, I'd love to know how many "insects" I weigh...that is an interesting concept! Otherwise, though, you can have the zoo. I HATE it!! Too many hills, too much walking, too hot...bleccchhhh!!
Glad you guys had fun, though!
Teresa =)
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